Gisela Collazo
Birthlight Prenatal and Postnatal Yoga Teacher & Teacher Trainer
Full-Spectrum Birth and Postpartum Doula (DTI)

"I aim to support mothers and babies in a holistic way. I teach in the Birthlight approach, which fosters self-nurture through a nourishing and gentle practice that supports the transitions that accompany this tender time: physically, mentally, psychologically and emotionally."

Birth Preparation Series
This 5-session birth preparation series provides simple and accessible techniques to support the body’s physiological processes during childbirth. Through breath, movement and tension release practices, you will explore ways to cope with the intensity of the labor process. You will learn about the body’s biological design for childbirth, fostering trust in your body’s intuitive wisdom. Bonding with the baby allows you to become more receptive of what the baby needs so you can ease their passage into your arms. No matter what twists and turns your labor process takes, you will be equipped with techniques to harness the power of birth, trust in your body and your baby, and find comfort and relaxation through movement, breath and connection.

The Series
  1. Conscious preparation for labor through yoga, breathing and relaxation
  2. The wondrous pelvis and connecting to baby
  3. Facilitating the journey through positioning, sound and release 
  4. Rhythm and labor stations
  5. Putting it all together for welcoming baby 

and also

partner practice and a guided relaxation for pregnancy and birth



Meet Gisela and get ready to welcome your baby.